Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Story of my life.

I feel like everything is happening so fast! Exactly 47 days until I leave the land of tumble weeds and head to Corvallis! While I am anxiously awaiting for those 47 days to pass as quickly as possibly my to-do list that needs to be completed in 46 days is still growing… I still need to find all the little things I’ll need for my dorm, start weeding out everything I SHOULDN’T take, organize for a giant yard sale, and many other things.

However, my brain is recently obsessively distracted by thoughts of fair coming up over the next couple of days and the fact that I am hardly ready for it… Working, reading, riding horses, working the animals, napping and be lazy seems to be all I want to do. So many projects to still do and adding onto that discomfort.. This is my last fair where I will be a youth participant :( I really do love the 4-H and FFA programs and I don’t care who you are or what you think about them, they really are great for kids.

I really really really want to purchase a computer scrap booking program! I have my eye on one down at Office Depot (or is it Office Max? I don’t know I’ve only been there once..) . I really want it so I can better record my life once I move and over time and what not, in a cute, color-full fashion. It’s on my long list of purchases to make…

Kayla wants me to blog about going school clothes shopping with $250, so that will be placed on my to-do list too!

I also hope to take more pictures here soon.

Is everyone else excited for fair to come?


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